Friday 30 November 2007

December Targets

As I feel I am going backwards I am going to set some pretty straightforward and non profit making targets for December. I want to be able to hit the ground running for 2008 with a semi-LAG stlye and am therefore going to set targets to change my style rather than make money.

December Targets:

1. 5,000 Hands at 50NL with stats at a minimum of 21/19/3.5.
2. 15,000 Hands at 100NL with stats at a minumum of 21/19/3.5
3. Learn to trust stats/reads and fold if necessary. Carried over from November.
4. Continue to actively participate in coaching group.
5. Accept that I may have to 'break even' for a while whilst going through transition period in my game.
6. Research more advanced plays and compare with my current play. eg. How to play in 3bet pots, Cold Calling with the intention of floating etc.

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