Thursday 26 June 2008

I want to crush 200NL

My new coach has come back with a review of my video and an unprompted apology for the delay. Maybe I don’t need to look elsewhere just yet!

I am going to review his comments in more detail at the weekend but he has said that overall my game is strong and I can be a winner at higher levels ;)

I want to be totally happy with my game before I consider moving up though and this is certainly not the case at the moment. I still have some leaks that would be pounced on by the better players at 400NL and I am happy to carry on at 200NL for the time being.

To be fair these leaks were probably not evidenced in the video I sent over and I am thinking some PT review/workshop style coaching sessions would work for me.


Marc said...

Glad that things worked out for you w/the DC coach. It was a little bumpy for me too getting started with them (not my current coach, though!), but once things settled down, I've been really happy with him/DC.

Whatever game/stakes I've played over the last few years, each move up within the same game requires more and more confidence, IMO. But don't sell yourself short, either, in terms of moving up. For me, that's one great benefit of a coach who after a few sessions of either videos, sweats, or PT review should have an OK feel for your game and thought process. I think if anything, they'd be cautious about sending you up to the next level, so if he thinks you can do it, you're probably long as you're rolled and comfortable with the bigger amounts.

Marc said...

Oh, and I want to crush 200NL, too :).