Tuesday 29 January 2008

Me and computers don't mix

PT3 beta is out and it ruined my weekend!

Something went wrong during installation and....well to cut a long story short I will just say that I lost access to my PT2 database and have spent most of my waking hours since saturday morning trying to rescue it. Think I am almost there now but must have rebooted windows about 200 times in 3 days.

For the record - Vista is well and truly crap and restore points are completely worthless. My advice to anyone reading is back up your SQL database very regularly, I had mine backed up to 4th Jan 2008 and without that would have been a lot lot worse.

1 comment:

Aaron said...

fuck vista its a system hogging piece of shit. XP for the win :)

Wondered why i hadnt seen you about much or at the tables lately.

Hope you get all your problems sorted