Wednesday 9 January 2008


I think I need to be more flexible in my approach to the game and adjust to the opponents at my table. I still find myself taking my own cards into consideration a little too much at times when I could and probably should be focusing more on things like my image, my opponents, position etc.

I played a couple of hours last night with a change of focus in mind and tried also to be a little less aggressive post flop. I ran at 5.5BB/100 win and it would have been much much more had my KK all in on flop of 467 held up against 33 for 200BB pot.

On that subject, Poker EV says I am $500 down on expectation from all ins so far this year. I am not sure how reliable that figure is but it sounds about right.

If that figure is true then I would be running at over 6BB/100 if my all ins were running to expectation and I take some comfort in that as I cannot control the doomswitch. I will focus on things I can control, ie. me!

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