Friday 4 April 2008

Quick Update

Have been mega busy with coaching and poker study lately!!!

Had a bit of a software disaster with my microstakes group last week. Mikogo and Skype just couldn't handle 8 people at once so we have agreed to change the format slightly and pre-record the sessions. On reflection I think this is actually more beneficial as everyone involved can really prepare for the review sessions and I think people will get even more out of the revised plan.

50NL coaching is going very well. All my current batch of students are coming to the end of the intro course with high confidence levels and for the last few sweats they have all run like god. Happily their heater is so big it reached all the way over to me when I had a rare chance to play myself yesterday!

For April my target is to play short 1 hour sessions and review EVERY vpip hand played during that hour before I am allowed to play again. Is actually much easier than it sounds and I have started a log of errors for a permanent record.

Play - review - improve.....repeat.....

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