Friday 8 February 2008

The Gray Area

Am reading The Elements of Poker by Tommy Angelo and it is a superb book.

Here is a small extract:

"When you examine a betting decision......remind yourself that debates point to close decisions, and that close decisions matter least, and that the answer is sometimes unknowable."

I think this is very relevant to posting hands in forums such as cardrunners and my coaching group. A lot of the hands posted are very marginal all in decisions that are in the middle of the 'Gray Area'. The forum posters will debate the rights and wrongs of the play but these are not the hands we should be focusing on as 'close decisions matter least'.

In view of this I think I will start reviewing my medium sized pots. Need to give some thought to how I filter these hands though. Maybe a task for PT3.

1 comment:

Marc said...

That's a great passage from Elements, and you're right, a lot of the hands are marginal in terms of the EV of the decisions. They are still pretty useful to discuss, because it forces you to think about the right things, other words, there are some good reasons pro and con of the decisions in those close hands, but you need to come up with the correct factors.

That said, if you make the wrong plays in the spots where it is not close, that is obviously much more of a problem. Please blog about what sorts of filters you come up with, and more importantly, how to get some feedback on those!