Thursday 7 January 2010

Treat your poker like a business

One week into the new year and am grinding away nicely @ almost 11,000 hands.

Haven't checked my stats once during game time and am using a very simple session checklist to keep this going. I am also writing a brief summary on each session immediately afterwards. This is lastest summary:

"Bottled out of 3rd barrel in 3betpot and got beat by T high. Pull the god damn trigger! Other than that felt very focused and composed during session, even when losing 2 big pots. One cooler QQ vs AA 150bb's deep blind vs blind and one when shoving over leverage raise with a read. Had made double decision and this really helped with any tilt issues because I was happy with the plan before I got called and saw his cards."

Have also just finished 'Treat Your Poker Like a Business', an e-book by leatherass, which is also available as a actual book.

I found a few bits useful but man I wish that book was written a year ago when I was just turning semi-pro!

If you are thinking about going pro anytime soon it is a must read imo, although please be aware that there is very little strategy in it.


pocketfish007 said...

I've heard lot of good things about this book, but I just couldn't find it for free download :-(

Jeff Hare said...

Free link to the ebook