Saturday 26 June 2010

Record Breaking

Have logged 14 hours of play since I last looked at my stats which will be approx 7,000 hands I guess.

Am 1 hour away from equalling my personal best of 15 statless hours which was set not that long ago.

This time around I have gone into it with a better mindset and am really trying hard to focus on reads and good decision making, rather than making money. It feels great and I can feel my play improving and confidence coming back by the hour.

The most telling thing is that I am pretty sure that I am down a bunch of buyins during this experiment and feel like I have run very badly. Despite this I feel great and full of confidence which would probably not be the case if I was tracking my results and feeling sorry for myself.

Sometimes it's just better not knowing and all I can do is play for the long term.

1 comment:

pocketfish007 said...

i'm totally w you w this experiment. i'll start monday.