Friday 12 February 2010

Quality vs Quantity

Jake commented on my last post that I appear to have added a couple of tables and I have actually been playing 6 tables as standard for the past few months whilst crushing 200nl.

Over the past few days I have realised that reducing the no of tables you play when moving up is probably a good idea!

Whatever level you are shooting at you are going to be coming up against players that are better than you are used to and you cannot afford to be on auto pilto and just clicking buttons.

So for the last few sessions I have dropped back down to 4 tables and it feels like I have all the time in the world to put people on a range and make my decisions. I can already feel my thought process improving and am going to stick to 4 tables at 400nl for a while. I am also going to look at incorporating a maximum number of tables into my bankroll/moving up plan so I don't make this mistake again. (Play to learn ftw :)

It is also worth noting that I have lost my first 3 sessions since reverting to 4 tables so this is not results orientated advice!

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